Yukon land claims bibliography
Category Arts and culture
Last updated
Size 4.88 MB
File Type pdf
Number of pages 54
Document description
This edition of the bibliography consists of two parts. The first part is a selective author-title listing of titles produced by Yukon Native Brotherhood, Council for Yukon Indians, Council of Yukon First Nations, and the federal & territorial governments. Also included in the first part are assessments, evaluations, thesis, submissions, court decisions, etc. that have been published on the Yukon land claims. The second part consists of three sections—1) Inventory of Agreements and Annuals Reports, 2) First Nations Agreements, and 3) Transboundary Agreements and Annual Reports that are held by the Yukon Archives Library. The first section includes drafts, interim texts, proofing editions, etc. and the final editions of the Agreements-in-Principle, Framework Agreements, Sub-Agreements and the Umbrella Final Agreement that were negotiated between the years 1980 to 1993. Also included is an inventory of the annual reports that are a requirement of the land claims process since 1996.