What We Heard: Proposed Changes to the Smoke-Free Places Act
Category Health and wellness
Last updated
Size 1.18 MB
File Type pdf
Number of pages 6
Document description
The Smoke-Free Places Act and Regulation came into effect in 2008 to protect Yukoners from the health risks associated with exposure to second-hand smoke. The legislation specifies where smoking is prohibited, the requirements for smoking in public, and forbids the display, advertisement or promotion of tobacco products. In 2008, e-cigarettes and vaping were not yet on most people’s radar and, as a result, they were not included in the Smoke-Free Places Act or Regulation. In the Fall 2018 Legislative sitting a motion was passed to table amendments to the Smoke-Free Places Act to address the sale, use and promotion of vapour products in Yukon.
From May 1 to May 31, 2019 Yukoners were able to complete an online survey regarding amendments to the SFPA. This is what we heard.