Travel expense report for Ore Deck Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, June 27


Skagway, Alaska, USA


Tourism and Culture 

Purpose of the trip

Minister Streicker went to the ore deck ribbon cutting ceremony and met with the Mayor of Skagway. This helps strengthen the Yukon’s ongoing dialogue and tourism relationships with Alaska.


  • John Streicker, Minister of Tourism and Culture 

Total travel expenditures for participants

Transportation: $245.00
Accommodation: N/A 
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $126.56

Total costs for this trip: $371.56

Individual participant travel expenditures

Minister, John Streicker

Transportation: $245.00
Accommodation: N/A 
Other (per diems, taxi, etc.): $126.56

Total costs for this trip: $371.56

Find more minister travel expense reports.

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