Yukon Lottery Commission approves a record $1.6 million in funding through the Fall 2024 Projects Fund

The Government of Yukon, through the Yukon Lottery Commission, is helping to enhance the lives of Yukoners through art, sports and recreation by supporting community non-profit organizations through the Projects Fund. In the 2024 fall intake, the Yukon Lottery Commission’s Projects Fund saw a record $1.6 million in approved funding for projects spanning five Yukon communities: Dawson City, Haines Junction, Keno, Teslin and Whitehorse.

The Projects Fund contributes to the territory’s cultural and recreational vibrancy, helping to create a more dynamic and engaging environment for Yukoners to live, work and play.

The Government of Yukon supports arts, sport and recreation and has mandated the Yukon Lottery Commission to focus on these areas when granting funding for projects.  

The 25 projects which received funding include:

OrganizationProjectApproved contribution
Biathlon YukonUnderpass Access for Biathlon Yukon's New Facility$250,000.00
Dawson City Music FestivalTenting Infrastructure for Dawson City's Arts and Culture Events$83,000.00
Dawson Golf AssociationIrrigation System Replacement$58,504.00
Friends of Mt SimaSnowcat Replacement and Sustainability project$280,438.00
Heat Volleyball YukonHITT Volleyball Camp 2025$19,705.50
Japanese Canadian Association of YukonRaging Asian Women Taiko performance and workshop$20,000.00
Junction Arts & Music2025 Glacier Nights Snow Festival$34,800.00
Keno Community Club2025 Keno Music, Arts & Literature Workshop$26,537.00
Kwanlin Dün Cultural SocietyTraditional Tattoo Gathering$12,825.00
Mountain View Golf ClubDriving Range Ball Picker$28,351.00
Muaythai YukonCoach Certification from Muaythai Canada$17,300.00
Polarettes and Polar Tumblers Gymnastics ClubPolarettes Equipment Project$500,000.00
Robotics NorthYukon Qualifying Championship 2025$12,526.02
Run for LifeRaven50$9,240.00
Subzero Volleyball ClubSpecialized Volleyball Equipment$12,264.00
Teslin Recreation SocietyRejuvenate Curling and Community Events$85,076.00
Tourism Industry Association of YukonCompass, TIA Yukon's Spring Conference$5,960.00
Trinity Lutheran ChurchWhitehorse Community Handbell Choir$19,220.40
Volleyball YukonSpecialized Volleyball Equipment$21,050.00
Yukon Arts Foundation2025 Yukon Prize Visual Arts Festival$20,000.00
Yukon Little LeagueSpring Season Equipment$40,756.00
Yukon Quest InternationalYukon Quest 2025$19,935.39
Yukon River QuestYukon River Quest 2025$32,200.00
Yukon Women in MusicCook Shack Sessions 2025$18,805.00
YXY Beach VolleyballChristmas Beach Volleyball Train with the Olympians$15,678.00

I’d like to extend my congratulations to the most recent recipients of the Projects Fund. Your efforts are helping to enrich our territory’s cultural and recreational landscape and strengthen our communities. Our government is proud to promote the work of the Yukon Lottery Commission. As dedicated volunteers serving as commission members, your efforts in managing the Projects Fund supports initiatives that positively impact the lives of Yukoners. 

Minister responsible for Yukon Lottery Commission and Lotteries Yukon Sandy Silver

With a record $1.6 million in funding approved, we’re thrilled to support the successful applicants from the recent Projects Fund intake. Thanks to the profits from lottery ticket sales, there are funds available to support a diverse group of societies. Projects receiving funding in Dawson City, Haines Junction, Keno, Teslin and Whitehorse will create new opportunities for Yukoners and make it easier for Yukoners to participate and engage in sports, recreation and arts activities close to their home. 

Chair and Chief Executive Officer Yukon Lottery Commission Sara Skelton

Quick facts
  • The Yukon Lottery Commission is an arms-length agent of the Government of Yukon mandated to provide funding for Yukoners focused on arts, sports and recreation. 

  • The Projects Fund aims to support community non-profit organizations to implement projects that enhance the Yukon's cultural vibrancy and recreational opportunities.

  • The Projects Fund accepts regular intake applications in April and October every year.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Sarah Waters
Communications, Yukon Liquor Corporation

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