Statement from Premier Pillai on the visit from the Consul General for Argentina

Premier Pillai has issued the following statement:

“Today, our government welcomed Dr. Ricardo Arredondo, Consul General for Argentina in Vancouver, to the Yukon.

“It was my pleasure to host the Consul General for his first official visit to our beautiful territory. This meeting provided an invaluable opportunity to deepen Argentina’s understanding of the Yukon’s governance and foster meaningful discussions. We focused on political, economic, cultural and educational cooperation, as well as potential business ventures.

"In particular we discussed how to boost trade between our regions and create more links between our universities. We also shared best practices in the mining sector and how we could learn from each other’s experiences.

"Visits like these play a crucial role in positioning the Yukon on the global stage. I thank Dr. Arredondo for joining us and sharing his insights. Together, we found many areas of common ground and strengthened our international ties.

"I look forward to continuing our conversations as we work to improve the lives of both Argentinians and Yukoners.”

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

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