Statement from Premier Pillai on Ukrainian Independence Day

Premier Pillai has issued the following statement:

“This Saturday, August 24, 2024, is the 33rd anniversary of Ukrainian Independence Day. In 1991, the Act of Declaration of Independence of Ukraine was adopted by the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, creating the country’s own pathway for independent governance and sovereignty. This declaration affirms that the state of Ukraine is indivisible and will be ruled only by its own constitution.

“In the decades since, the world has seen Ukraine rise as a democratic state and valuable participant and partner in global affairs and the economy.

“While the words of the declaration have been challenged by external forces since February 2022, Ukrainians’ belief in their independence and their fundamental right to an indivisible and self-governing state are clear, as is the Yukon’s support for their freedom.

“Another word in the declaration, translated to English, is ‘inviolable’ – that a thing will never be broken, infringed or dishonoured. On this day, we support Ukraine and honour the country’s right to remain whole. An inviolable Ukraine means that their lands and people are free from outside interference and have the right to live peacefully and prosperously.

“Join me in recognizing Ukrainian Independence Day on August 24. Slava Ukraini!”

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

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