Statement from Minister Silver on the Yukon Association of Education Professionals collective bargaining

Minister of the Public Service Commission Sandy Silver has issued the following statement:

"The Government of Yukon values the work and contributions of education professionals in nurturing the intellectual, social and personal development of Yukon students. Yukon teachers are amongst the highest paid in Canada, with average salaries more than 30 per cent higher than in British Columbia.

"The Government of Yukon’s representatives have been meeting with representatives of the Yukon Association of Education Professionals in September and early October 2024 to establish a renewed collective agreement. The next steps in the bargaining process involve conciliation with the assistance of a conciliation board. Until the legislated negotiation process concludes no legal job action can be authorized or commenced.

"We remain committed to securing a new agreement that preserves Yukon educators as amongst the highest paid in the country and is fiscally responsible.

"The package that Government of Yukon proposed accounts for the current fiscal situation impacting many Canadians, is consistent with the agreements reached in other jurisdictions and would maintain Yukon teachers as amongst the highest paid in the country.

"The Government of Yukon has offered wage and other monetary improvements equivalent to just above 12 per cent over three years.  In contrast, the Yukon Association of Education Professionals is seeking wage increases equal to 24 per cent over three years and other monetary improvements equal to another five per cent, for a total of 29 per cent over three years. This is not fiscally responsible and is not consistent with settlement patterns across Canada.

"Where the compensation provided to some groups of the Yukon Association of Education Professionals members is not market competitive, we have proposed significant increases beyond the general wage increase. This includes a 40 per cent increase in wages for teachers on call, whose rate of pay is significantly below market and a $2,000 annual allowance for education assistants. We remain committed to securing a new agreement  that preserves Yukon educators as amongst the highest paid in the country and is fiscally responsible."

Quick facts
  • The process, under the Education Labour Relations Act, when a deadlock has been determined in collective bargaining, requires Yukon Association of Education Professionals to select either binding arbitration, or conciliation.

  • The Yukon Association of Education Professionals is not in a legal strike position and no job action can be authorized or commenced until the conciliation or arbitration process has concluded.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications


Kelan Deigh
Public Service Commission

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