Statement from Minister McPhee for National Crime Stoppers Month

Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee has issued the following statement:

“Every January is National Crime Stoppers Month. This year, the Yukon Chapter is hosting an awareness and information session at the Canada Games Centre on Saturday, January 25, from 11 am to 3 pm. This information session is to raise awareness about the Crime Stoppers tip app, which allows anyone to anonymously report a crime in their community. I encourage Yukoners to attend, learn more about this important organization and discover how we can all make a difference.

“This independent, non-profit organization empowers Yukoners to take action by anonymously reporting suspicious activities or potential crimes through a secure tip line system, available by phone, online or on the app. Any tips received that help solve a case or lead to an arrest are eligible for a cash reward.

“Crime Stoppers Yukon plays a key role in raising public awareness and educating the community about illegal activities. This organization is committed to stopping, solving and preventing crimes in the Yukon. Crime Stoppers collaborates with law enforcement and government agencies to provide information on supports and resources to help both offenders and victims. Our government will continue to work with Crime Stoppers Yukon and other organizations to help further reduce crime rates across the territory.

“Public safety and community wellbeing remain top priorities for our government. We thank Crime Stoppers Yukon for their strong program and for their commitment to making communities safer for all Yukoners.”

Media contact

Kelsey Bush
Cabinet Communications

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