Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:
“As we bid farewell to 2024 and look forward to a new year, this is a moment to reflect on our journey and embrace the opportunities ahead.
“This past year brought significant progress for the Yukon. We improved access to health care by recruiting and retaining nurses, strengthened global partnerships on Arctic security, continued to expand our response to the Substance Use Health Emergency and worked with partners in downtown Whitehorse to make Yukoners feel safer.
“Some of the ways we made life more affordable for families includes subsidizing early learning and child care, investing in new housing and working with federal partners to make heat pumps more affordable for Yukoners.
“While 2024 presented its share of challenges, like the heap leach failure at Victoria Gold’s Eagle Gold Mine, the continued impacts of climate change and the loss of community members to the Substance Use Health Emergency, Yukoners continued to show their incredible resilience and unwavering community spirit by being there for their neighbours and standing up for what is right.
“Looking ahead, our government continues to focus on the needs of Yukoners. We are prioritizing health care, housing and sustainable growth, while protecting the environment and respecting the unique way of life we cherish.
“As you welcome the new year, please plan ahead to celebrate safely and responsibly. On behalf of the Government of Yukon, I wish you all a happy and hopeful New Year.
“Let’s make 2025 a year of continued progress, resilience and opportunity.”
Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications