Premier presents Council of the Federation Literacy Award

Denis Vachon is the recipient of the Yukon’s 2024 Council of the Federation Literacy Award. Premier Ranj Pillai presented the award to Denis at a small ceremony on September 4 ahead of International Literacy Day on September 8.

Denis nominated himself for this award in the hope of inspiring others – specifically adult learners and those who pursue literacy later in life. In his early years, a number of barriers prevented him from gaining basic literacy skills. As an adult he returned to school, learning to read and write in French, and received his high school diploma, two additional diplomas and another certificate. This award recognizes Denis’ commitment, strength and perseverance in the pursuit of literacy.

Today, Denis continues his literacy journey in the Yukon. Each day, he spends time studying English vocabulary and conversation. He is an avid volunteer and previously dedicated more than 450 hours in a single year to a non-profit organization in Whitehorse. He hopes his story will inspire others who face literacy barriers to never stop pursuing their dreams.

The Council of the Federation Literacy Award recognizes the importance of literacy in enabling participation as a full and active citizen in all areas of society.

Denis’ story reminds us that literacy is intertwined in our everyday lives and can be a very personal journey. By overcoming significant barriers, Denis has shown how literacy can open doors to new opportunities and raise up both individuals and communities. I am honoured to recognize his dedication to adult learning and the inspiration he provides to Yukoners on their own literacy journeys.

Premier and Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai

Quick facts
  • This year marks the 20th anniversary of the award. The Council of the Federation was established in 2004 to enable Canada’s 13 Premiers to work collaboratively to strengthen the Canadian federation.

  • The Council of the Federation Literacy Award recognizes excellence of learners, educators, volunteers, community organizations and businesses for outstanding achievements, innovative practices and excellence in adult literacy.

  • Yukon recipients have been recognized in the past for contributions to literacy in Yukon First Nations languages and French languages, for leadership in literacy organizations and for those learners who have strengthened their literacy as adults.

  • Award recipients receive a Council of the Federation Literacy Award medallion, a gift and a certificate signed by the Premier at an awards ceremony that takes place around International Literacy Day.

  • International Literacy Day was declared by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on October 26, 1966, at the 14th session of UNESCO's General Conference. It was celebrated for the first time in 1967.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications 


Jennifer Hackwell
Communications, Economic Development

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