Government of Yukon receives highest grade in Canada in report on fiscal transparency

The Yukon received an "A-" in the C.D. Howe Institute’s annual report on fiscal transparency across Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial governments. This is the highest grade in Canada, with only Alberta receiving the same score.

The report examines the accessibility and reliability of financial documents from Canadian governments. It considers how easily a non-expert can find information, understand content and use the documents to make informed decisions. The 2024 report covers budget documents from 2023–24 and public accounts documents from 2022–23.

In assigning an "A-” grade, the report highlights several strengths in the Government of Yukon’s fiscal reporting including:

  • the use of consistent accounting across all documents;
  • inclusion of explanations when there are differences between estimates;
  • availability of regular updates throughout the fiscal year; and
  • the publishing of its annual budget and estimates together before the start of the fiscal year on April 1.

It is important that Yukoners can access timely information on how their government spends money and can easily understand those facts. Our government has made key improvements to how we present financial information to the public in order to ensure it is more accessible and easier to understand. Receiving the highest grade in Canada for fiscal transparency is a meaningful recognition for these efforts. I am happy to see our commitment to transparency in budgeting and Public Accounts acknowledged in this way.

Minister of Finance Sandy Silver

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications


Eric Clement
Communications, Finance

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