The Government of Yukon is submitting a proposal to the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB) for planned developments at Pine Lake Campground. The proposed project is set to take place over a five-year period beginning in 2025 and aims to enhance the park’s infrastructure and recreational offerings for park users.
Key highlights of the proposal include:
- up to 16 new drive-in-pull-through campsites and six walk-in tenting campsites to accommodate a growing number of park visitors and enhance camping opportunities;
- establishing a new group camping area with six campsites, offering dedicated space for group gatherings and events, including tourism operators; and
- upgrades and expansions to the park's hiking trail network, along with new recreational features, to enhance access to scenic areas and offer more opportunities for outdoor activities.
The Government of Yukon is committed to balancing infrastructure and recreational development with environmental protection and will ensure all necessary assessments and consultations are undertaken. The development of these amenities is expected to improve the overall experience at Pine Lake Campground, provide sustainable recreational opportunities and support the long-term conservation of the area.
The public and stakeholders are encouraged to review the proposal and provide feedback through YESAB as part of the environmental and socio-economic assessment process.
The proposed improvements to Pine Lake Campground will enhance recreational opportunities for Yukoners and visitors alike. The project includes new campsites, upgraded hiking trails, and dedicated group camping areas, ensuring the park remains sustainable and accessible. Throughout this process, we will work closely with Champagne and Aishihik First Nations to ensure that their knowledge, values and interests are integrated into the project.
The Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB) is an independent board that operates under the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA).
YESAB plays a role in reviewing and assessing the environmental and socio-economic impacts of projects and proposals in the Yukon.
When a government submits a proposal, YESAB seeks views and information to gather feedback from the public, communities, First Nations and other stakeholders about potential concerns with the proposed project.
After completing its review, YESAB provides its recommendations to the Government of Yukon. The government then decides whether to approve or reject the proposal and may include conditions in its decision if the project is approved
Pine Lake Campground is situated within Pine Lake Recreation Park.
Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications
Linea Volkering
Communications, Environment