This news release has been updated to correct where monthly transit passes are available.
As part of its commitment to making life more affordable for Yukoners, the Government of Yukon is launching a program in Whitehorse to provide free transit tickets and monthly passes to those who need help the most. This initiative has stemmed from 2023 Confidence and Supply Agreement (CASA) to replace fare generated revenue for public transit.
Free tickets and monthly passes are available to Yukoners as of October 23 at the Jim Smith Building and the Whitehorse Public Library. A limited amount of monthly passes are available for October and November until a full supply of passes has been received from the City of Whitehorse in December. Daily transit tickets are fully available to those in need.
Not-for-profit organizations working with vulnerable communities, seniors and youth have also been invited to participate as ticket and pass distribution locations.
By working with organizations to provide free transit tickets, we are making it easier for Yukoners to travel through the city, see family and friends, get to appointments and take part in activities they enjoy. I thank all the organizations helping to distribute transit tickets. This is another step toward making life more affordable in the Yukon and I’m excited to see the positive impact free transit will have to building vibrant, connected communities.
We’re proud to be making transit more accessible and making life a little more affordable. We hope that everyone will pick one up and use it!
To participate in the program, eligible non-profit organizations will be invited to complete an enrolment form and pick up tickets to distribute to their clientele.
Initial organizations were chosen based on their mission statements to serve the vulnerable sector. Organizations serving vulnerable sectors that have not been contacted can reach out to the Government of Yukon for more program details.
Organizations will be able to provide bus tickets and monthly passes.
The 2023 CASA agreement states: provide funding to the City of Whitehorse to replace fare-generated revenue and make public transit free in Whitehorse.
Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications
John Tonin
Communications, Community Services
Bronte Renwick-Shields
Chief of Staff, Yukon NDP