Government of Yukon ensures continued access to essential services during postal service disruption

In response to the Canada Post labour disruption announced today, the Government of Yukon has established steps to ensure Yukoners and businesses maintain access to essential cheques and payments. Individuals receiving government payments by direct deposit will remain unaffected and will continue to receive funds as usual. Communities will continue to receive essential mail through their community post office.

For Yukoners with questions about where to pick up Yukon government-issued assistance cheques, how to make payments, obtain government-issued identification, licences and certificates or apply for Yukon student financial assistance during a Canada Post labour disruption, they can contact the appropriate department listed below or contact the government's general information line.

General inquiries

The Government of Yukon will hold all non-critical mail until Canada Post resumes normal service. Once regular postal operations restart, mail will be sent with Canada Post as soon as possible.

Quick facts
  • Social Assistance Payments
    Contact: 867-667-5674
    Office address: 3168 3rd Avenue, Whitehorse

  • Yukon Senior Income Supplement (YSIS) and Pioneer Utility Grant
    Contact: 867-667-8772

  • Rent supplements or subsidies
    Pick-up location: 410 Jarvis Street, Whitehorse (Y-1)

  • Accounts Payable Inquiries (Government)
    Contact: 867-471-0779
    For department-specific contacts, visit: Departmental accounts payable contacts

  • Women and Gender Equity Directorate
    Pick-up location: 404 Hanson Street, Unit 1, Whitehorse

  • Find another department or corporation.

Media contact

Zachary Burke
Communications, Executive Council Office

News release #:
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