The Government of Yukon completes the five-year review of the Cannabis Control and Regulation Act

This news release has been updated to correct the URL to the final report. 

The Cannabis Control and Regulation Act (CCRA) requires that a review of the legislation regulating cannabis be carried out within five years of the Act coming into force. The Government of Yukon has completed this review and today tabled the report in the Yukon Legislative Assembly. The review provides valuable insights into the impacts of cannabis legalization in the territory and identifies opportunities for future improvement.

The review involved extensive public engagement, including input from First Nation and local governments, various stakeholders and the public. It also included a comprehensive analysis of research data and statistics related to cannabis use at both the territorial and national levels.

The review identified several key findings including:

  • Concerns about the normalization of cannabis.
  • High youth cannabis consumption rates remain a concern for Yukoners despite protective measures.
  • The Yukon had higher pre-legalization cannabis use (21 per cent) compared to the national average (14 per cent). Five years post-legalization, the Yukon still exceeds the national rate (41 per cent compared to 35 per cent).
  • Cannabis-impaired driving rates in the Yukon match national levels and pose road safety concerns.
  • Most Yukoners now purchase cannabis from licensed retailers, but confusion remains over legal versus illicit online sales.
  • Law enforcement faces challenges addressing illicit cannabis activity due to the Yukon’s geographic isolation, proximity to borders and transportation corridors.
  • Cannabis wholesale-to-retail sales in the Yukon have grown steadily, rising from $2.03 million in 2018–19 to $9.2 million in 2023–24, indicating a strong transition to a legal market that benefits the local economy.

Moving forward, the Government of Yukon will consider the findings of this review as it develops enhanced public education efforts, continues to monitor the effects of cannabis legalization in the territory and explores potential regulation amendments.

The Government of Yukon remains committed to the original objectives behind cannabis legalization: protecting public health and safety, protecting youth and providing government oversight of the cannabis framework.  

The full review report is available at

Completing this review marks an important milestone in our ongoing efforts to manage cannabis legalization responsibly. As we consider the review’s findings, we are committed to continuously learning and adapting our framework to support the legal cannabis industry and protect the health and safety of Yukoners.  

Minister responsible for the Yukon Liquor Corporation Sandy Silver

Quick facts
  • The Cannabis Control and Regulation Act came into force on October 17, 2018.

  • This is the first review of the Yukon’s cannabis legislation since legalization.

  • Under the Cannabis Control and Regulation Act, the Minister must launch a review every five years and table a report on the review in the Yukon Legislative Assembly a year later.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications


James Price
Communications, Yukon Liquor Corporation

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