Government of Yukon announces updates to Yukon Nominee Program application process for 2025

The Yukon Nominee Program (YNP) will reopen for applications from all employers on January 29, 2025, at 9 am Yukon Standard Time. For this calendar year, the program will be moving to an intake-based approach to manage application volumes.

For the intake beginning on January 29, the program will accept up to 125 new, completed applications. When the program receives the maximum number of applications for that intake, submissions will close until the following intake.

Unprecedented demand for the Yukon Nominee Program in 2024 necessitated a pause in the acceptance of applications from Whitehorse employers. The updates to the intake model will help spread intake over the year, to help employers and foreign nationals to plan for their applications and give them more flexibility in timing their submissions. It will also help to prevent having more applications submitted than the allocation received from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), as seen in 2024.

These intakes are expected to be held quarterly. However, the actual number of intakes and how many applications can be accepted in the calendar year is contingent upon the number of allocations the Yukon receives from IRCC. The Government of Yukon receives allocations from IRCC in late February of each calendar year and has requested an increase in allocations for 2025. The program’s approach to accepting applications may be adjusted, depending on whether this increase is granted or if allocation numbers change due to evolving federal immigration targets.

Once the 2025 numbers have been provided, the department will announce further intake dates and the maximum number of applications that can be accepted under each intake.

People can find more information about the YNP process at

Quick facts
  • While an intake is open, the department will post daily updates on the number of applications received. 

  • The Department of Economic Development is continuing discussions with the Government of Canada on how to support people who have work permits expiring in 2025. Details will be announced as they become available.

  • In 2024, the YNP received more applications than allocations available. Because of this, the program anticipates carrying approximately 150 of these extra applications over to 2025 for processing in the new year. Any approved applications will count toward the Yukon’s 2025 allocations, affecting how many more applications can be accepted in the new calendar year. 

  • On October 24, 2024, the Government of Canada announced the 2025–2027 Immigration Levels Plan with significant reductions in the numbers of temporary and permanent residents. 

Media contact

Linnea Blum
Economic Development

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