Government of Yukon supports Yukon Energy Corporation’s new phase of Peak Smart Home with installation rebate

Logos for the Government of Yukon, Yukon Energy Corporation and the Peak Smart program.

This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon and Yukon Energy Corporation.

Yukoners can now qualify for rebates of up to 75 per cent of the purchase and installation costs of eligible thermostats and hot water tank controllers through the Peak Smart Home program.

The program aims to shift electricity consumption away from periods of peak demand and reduce pressure on the electricity grid. This is the second phase of the program delivered by Yukon Energy Corporation with support from the Government of Yukon.

The pilot project for Peak Smart was held in winter 2021, testing electric baseboard thermostats in homes using electric heat. During that time, Yukon Energy Corporation was able to lower peak demand for power during the winter by as much as 44.5 kilowatts, reducing the need for diesel-generated electricity.

This next phase of the Peak Smart program is a great example of how innovative programs can reduce peak energy use and help Yukoners save money. By investing in programs like these and supporting rebates, our government is helping homeowners upgrade their systems and take steps towards a more sustainable energy future for the Yukon.

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, and Minister responsible for the Yukon Energy Corporation John Streicker

As an isolated grid, we only have ourselves to rely on to generate the electricity we need to meet winter peaks. One way we can each contribute to reducing these winter peaks is through programs like Peak Smart. Over 300 Yukoners applied for the first iteration of Peak Smart Home and together we achieved 0.5 megawatts of dependable capacity. This shows that Yukoners are keen to play a role in their energy future and to contribute to a more sustainable Yukon.

Vice President of Planning, Environment, Health and Safety for Yukon Energy Corporation Michael Muller

Quick facts
  • When Yukoners sign up, they will automatically be entered into Yukon Energy Corporation’s Peak Smart contest, with $5,000 worth of prizes to be won. 

  • During the pilot for Peak Smart, Yukon Energy Corporation saw an average reduction of 0.26kW/device (0.65kW/home) for a -3°C setback and 0.14kW/device (0.22kW/home) for a -1°C setback during the hours of the demand response event.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Lisa Wiklund 
Manager, Community Relations 
Yukon Energy Corporation

Kate Erwin
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

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