The Government of Yukon is helping local organizations create jobs while providing cultural, economic and social benefits to communities through the Community Development Fund (CDF).
The Community Development Fund provides funding for projects, events and initiatives that provide long-term, sustainable economic and social benefits to Yukon communities. These projects are submitted by members of the community who have identified a need, making the fund responsive to real-life concerns and opportunities.
Between July and October 2024, the Government of Yukon awarded $539,395 through the CDF to support 17 community-led projects across the territory.
Nine projects received Tier 1 funding, which is available to organizations seeking less than $20,000 in funding:
- Golden Age Society – $14,530: To upgrade the facility’s heating system with digital controls. With the assurance of a comfortable, efficient and inviting space, the Golden Age Society can continue to focus on providing recreational and social programs for seniors.
- Junction Arts and Music Society – $17,910: To create a year-round mobile plug-and-play audio-visual booth. This can increase the availability of artistic venues in Haines Junction and its surrounding communities and draw visitors to the area.
- Keno Community Club – $11,813: To hire consultants to organize the Keno Arts, Music and Literature Workshop. This will span over 10 days and include approximately 23 arts-focused public events, workshops and performances.
- Nakai Theatre Ensemble – $15,375: To conduct a feasibility study for theatre-based professional development. The feasibility study will provide an outline of strategic priorities, a community scan of similar service offerings, the local market, potential competitors and potential partners, a market summary, a service summary, a capacity overview and an implementation plan.
- Sport Yukon – $14,575: To develop a Reconciliation Action Plan that provides a concrete pathway for the association and its members to engage in meaningful actions in support of reconciliation.
- Town of Faro – $16,605: To hire a consultant to complete a pre-feasibility study for the potential development of a community-based arts centre in Faro. A centralized hub for artistic expression and collaboration, the centre could foster a stronger sense of community and cultural identity.
- Whitehorse Glacier Bears Swim Club – $10,982: To complete a five-year strategic plan. This project will support to define metrics of success, support coaching staff and make recommendations to increase club membership.
- Whitehorse Nordic Ski Society – $19,503: To hire an event coordinator to organize a loppet in the Pacific Northwest Loppet Series. This event aims to attract several hundred participants, many from out-of-territory.
- Yukon University – Ross River Campus – $15,000: To organize a series of art workshops to foster creative thinking, cultural awareness and emotional wellbeing.
Eight projects received $403,102 in Tier 2 funding, which is available to organizations seeking between $20,001 and $75,000 in funding:
- Biathlon Yukon – $71,711: To widen the outgoing trail by two metres to comply with the requirements for hosting national-level races. This project will provide Biathlon Yukon with the tools to attract and secure future events that would have meaningful social and economic benefits for the Yukon.
- Braeburn Lake Christian Camp Association – $68,616: To replace decrepit outhouses at the Braeburn Camp to upgrade infrastructure, meet wastewater requirements and improve accessibility. The upgrades will benefit all camp users, ensure a more pleasant environment for all guests and allow the camp to accommodate larger gatherings and more users.
- Dawson City Museum – $25,066: To purchase specialized equipment for museum staff and the greater community to digitalize oversized images, documents and recordings. Through the creation of digital content, this initiative will help to more widely share the history of the Tr'ondëk-Klondike region.
- Polarettes and Polar Tumblers Gymnastics Club – $47,933: To hire a project manager to facilitate the transition to the new, large-scale, indoor gymnastics and climbing facility in Whistle Bend. A successful transition into this facility with new and functional equipment for Polarettes will offer long-term benefits to the community.
- Sha Shäw Corporation – $50,892: To conduct a civil and architectural feasibility assessment at Lot 52 in Haines Junction to prepare for it to be a signature cultural tourism site. This site will become a stopping point for tourists and an important public space that reflects the desires of the community.
- Teslin Historical & Museum Society – $46,557: To host a three-day celebration event to recognize the 50th anniversary of the George Johnston Museum. The project will enrich the knowledge of employees, locals and visitors alike about inland Tlingit through their participation in cultural events and observing the creation of traditional art and culture demonstrations.
- Teslin Tlingit Council – $60,000: To purchase and install a dock on Teslin Lake for community recreation and cultural demonstrations. These demonstrations will teach Citizens, community members and tourists about Teslin Tlingit Council’s traditional ways of harvesting, prepping, smoking and drying fish.
- Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition – $32,327: To host the Yukon Food Security Conference in 2025, which will focus on decentralizing food systems, celebrating food successes across the Yukon and strengthening community connections. The project will develop knowledge and skills by promoting youth leadership in food security and having elders tell stories about traditional foods as part of a panel discussion that will take place during the conference.
The next deadline to apply to the Community Development Fund is January 15, 2025, for Tier 1 funding (projects $20,000 and under) and Tier 3 funding (projects over $75,000). The next deadline for Tier 2 funding (projects between $20,001 and $75,000) is April 15, 2025.
The diversity of projects receiving funding is a testament to the vibrancy of our communities. Grassroots initiatives like these provide rich programming and exciting opportunities across our territory. The dedicated individuals behind these projects inspire and empower their communities to become stronger and more sustainable. I am pleased that our government can play a part in their story as they continue to improve the lives of all Yukoners.
The Dawson City Museum & Archives is profoundly grateful for the Community Development Fund’s generous support, which will allow us to purchase specialized digitization equipment. With these scanners and digital converters, the Dawson City Museum will now have an in-house capacity for multimedia digitization that will allow us to better access, preserve and share material that represents the rich heritage of Tr’ondëk-Klondike. This equipment will moreover be a great resource for community members and local organizations so that they too may preserve their own collections and pursue creative projects. With this funding, CDF improves not only available, accessible infrastructure regionally, but also encourages greater engagement with and appreciation for our local history. Mähsi – thank you for investing in both our past and future!
The funding provided by the Community Development Fund made our Reconciliation Action Plan project possible. With a membership of over 80 Yukon sport and recreation organizations, Sport Yukon tries to centralize and coordinate training and development opportunities for our diverse groups. By supporting this project, the Community Development Fund has helped us to engage our membership in advancing reconciliation and providing a template for us and our members to take meaningful action as community organizations. Our thanks to CDF for helping us make this project happen.
The Community Development Fund provides funding for projects, events and initiatives that offer long-term, sustainable, cultural, social and economic benefits for Yukon communities.
This funding is awarded for the Tier 1 intakes in July 2024 and October 2024, as well as the Tier 2 intake in September 2024.
Funding is divided into three tiers with the following application deadlines.
- Tier 1: Applications of $20,000 or less on January 15, May 15, July 15 and October 15.
- Tier 2: Applications between $20,001 and $75,000 on April 15 and September 15.
- Tier 3: Applications over $75,000 on January 15.
Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications
Jennifer Hackwell
Communications, Economic Development