On May 15, 2025, the 2025 rent index will be set at 2.0 percent.
As required by the Regulation to amend the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, the residential rent index is adjusted yearly on May 15 to align with the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Whitehorse, which was 2.0 per cent in 2024.
Landlords may not increase rents more than the prescribed rent index. Landlords may also choose to not increase rent.
The rent index came into effect as part of the 2023 Confidence and Supply Agreement between the Yukon Liberal Party and the Yukon New Democratic Party.
The annual average CPI for Whitehorse is used to determine allowable rent increases. CPI is calculated by Statistics Canada and based on data from Statistics Canada and Yukon Bureau of Statistics.
The CPI is a measure that reflects changes to the price of everyday items in Whitehorse.
If the CPI increases to 5 per cent or more, rent can only be increased to a maximum amount of 5 per cent. For example, in 2022, the CPI was 6.8 per cent so rent in 2023 could only be increased by a maximum of 5 per cent.
If the increase in the CPI is less than 2 per cent, rent can be increased by up to 2 per cent.
A landlord must give a tenant a full three months’ notice on the approved form of a rent increase. Rent increases must be consistent with the rent index.
Wayne Potoroka
Communications, Community Services