Inventory to the Taylor and Drury Ltd. Mayo Branch Records 1919-1960
Category Arts and culture
Last updated
Size 1.24 MB
File Type pdf
Number of pages 86
Document description
The Taylor and Drury Mayo records form an important corporate collection. They provide an example of the mercantile business in a rural region of the territory beginning in 1919. The records reflect the various activities associated with managing a small retail branch, including ordering, shipping/receiving and stock delivery, day to day bookkeeping, administration of charge accounts, correspondence with customers and the head office and the transferal of funds between branches within the firm. It also contains some interesting information on other topics important to the territory's history and development. Freight rates and routes, the fur industry, records of government programs, and a connection with the business community in Mayo are all represented with the Mayo store records. The bulk of the collection spans thirty years, allowing researchers to track changes and developments in many areas.