Inventory to the records of the Yukon Electrical Company Limited Fonds
Category Arts and culture
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File Type pdf
Number of pages 32
Document description
The fonds consists of Yukon Electrical Company Ltd. and the Yukon Hydro Company Ltd. records. The
records provide information on a range of the companies' operations. Documents from 1901 to 1949
concern the incorporation of Yukon Electrical and the company's startup. The Articles of Incorporation
(1949) and the Certificate of Incorporation of Yukon Hydro (1950) are also included. The remaining
records illustrate the expansion of the YECL, particularly between the 1930s and 1960s, from a small
operation providing relatively few customers in Whitehorse with electricity to a company seeking other
sources of power to supply increased demand. They document some of the business conducted by the
Yukon Electrical Co. beginning in 1930 and that of the Yukon Hydro Co. beginning in 1950. The
financial records in particular reflect the growth of and changes to the companies. For certain years, the
YECL and Yukon Hydro records show: residential and business customers; electrical rates and
consumption; how the companies accounted for their spending and revenues; their assets, reserves and
liabilities; and suppliers, equipment, and personnel information. Additional information is found in the
correspondence, which consists mostly of brief letters and memos between supply companies and
YECL referring to ordering and paying for equipment. However, some correspondence gives details
about the company and individuals working for it (e.g. W.L. Phelps in his capacity as a lawyer), about
relations between the company and its customers, and about the role of the company in Whitehorse. The
operations and financial records created after 1958 illustrate how some of the company's operations
changed after being bought by Canadian Utilities. The fonds includes: records documenting the
incorporation of YECL and other legal papers; corporate membership certificates; financial records such
as ledgers, journals and vouchers; correspondence primarily between the YECL/Yukon Hydro with
other businesses; detailed information about the generating power of the hydro and diesel plants;
submissions from a wide range of interest groups, including YECL, to a National Energy Board inquiry
on electrical rates in the 1980s; and aerial photographs in the Whitehorse area. The fonds is arranged in
six series: Corporate Records, Accounting and Financial Records, Correspondence, Operations Records,
National Energy Board Submissions, and Aerial Photographs.