Inventory to the Herta Richter Fonds
Category Arts and culture
Last updated
Size 1.3 MB
File Type pdf
Number of pages 103
Document description
The fonds consist of private and public records created or accumulated by Herta Richter during the 31 years she worked as a nurse in communities of the Northwest Territories and Yukon. They have been divided into eight series: Nursing Career; Personal Files; Miscellaneous; Photographs; Sound Recordings; Films; Maps; and Imprint. Included are photographs of First Nations people, traditional clothing and lifestyles during the 1970s, First Nations graveyards, nurses, nursing stations and conferences, people, scenery, plants and activities in the north; textual records of daily nursing activities, conferences, and reports; sound recordings and films of activities in Old Crow, Yukon; maps dealing with location of patients in isolated communities and with issues of concern to northern nurses; and books and pamphlets relating to the Yukon