Inventory of the Doug Bell Fonds
Category Arts and culture
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File Type pdf
Number of pages 34
Document description
The fonds consists of the files Doug Bell kept in his personal filing system during his term as Yukon Administrator and then Commissioner, a period spanning 1979 to 1986. The fonds consists of working files on projects that Doug Bell was involved with; correspondence with politicians, civil servants, private citizens and others; speeches, messages and poems written by Bell; several imprint publications; over 400 photographs, most of which were collected by Bell's predecessors; and some miscellaneous material. They cover the period immediately after the Territory adopted responsible government, an event that greatly altered the Commissioner's powers and role. As well, they provide insight into many Yukon
and federal government activities between 1979 and 1986. They also reveal much about the professional and personal sides of Doug Bell. The fonds also consists of five reels of negatives of aerial surveys of various Yukon communities taken in 1975. The fonds is arranged into the following series: I. Working files, II. Miscellaneous, III. Imprint and IV. Photographs. Acc. #93/6 consists of contact prints, negatives and photographs of Clinton Creek which Mr. Bell received when he bought darkroom equipment. There are also contact prints and photographs of Dawson Flood 1979 when Mr. Bell was chair of Emergency Measures Organization. Acc. #94/79 consists of 2 guest books for the Commissioner's Levy for 1983-1986. These items were also used as guest books for the Commissioner's office.