Regulating Off-Road Vehicles in Yukon

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This engagement ran for 2 months from February 8 to April 8, 2019. As part of the engagement, we held 15 open houses in Yukon communities that resulted in approximately 485 people attending these meetings.

With the assistance of the Yukon Bureau of Statistics, we ran a short online questionnaire during the public engagement period. There was a big response: Yukoners submitted over 1,300 questionnaires. There were approximately 4,000 related comments submitted along with the questionnaire.

On several of the core proposals that propose implementing regulations and management zones for off-road vehicles in Yukon, public opinion was split. For example, slightly over half (50.5%) of our survey respondents opposed the proposal that off-road vehicle use would only be regulated within designated management areas.

But in reading the comments from Yukoners, it becomes clear that some people opposed the proposal because they don’t like the idea of ORV regulation at all, while the others want more sweeping management of ORV use.

A common theme throughout many topics was the need for ongoing and meaningful consultation in the regulatory process. This includes consultation with First Nations, municipalities, rural communities, Renewable Resources Councils, non-government organizations, user groups and the public. This will be especially important in the future planning and establishment of any future ORV management areas.

Another comment we heard frequently was that not enough information was provided on the proposed approach and how it will be implemented to enable respondents to come to an informed opinion. Many respondents seem to be under the impression that any future regulation will completely shut down all ORV access to any area that is established as an ORV Management Area, which is not the case. Both ORV users and non-users should have a more accurate idea of what the implications of an ORVMA may be.

What was this engagement about? 

The Government of Yukon has been working to develop regulations for off-road vehicle use. We completed a public engagement in late winter and early spring of 2019, proposing a 3-part approach. This includes:

a. developing a regulation that would apply to ORV use on public land;
b. incorporating the ability to ticket and fine; and
c. requiring Yukoners to register ORVs for use in the backcountry.

We invited everyone to review and provide feedback on our proposed approach. This approach was informed by input over the years from:

  • First Nations;
  • Stakeholders; and
  • the public

We also took the opportunity to meet with representatives from:

  • First Nations;
  • Renewable Resource Councils;
  • special interest and stakeholder groups; and
  • individuals.

We also received individual emails and letters. All this feedback helped us get a thorough sense of Yukoner’s’ perspectives on this issue.

How will my input make a difference?

Numerous submissions from First Nations, mandated councils and NGOs reflect the considerable time and effort that was dedicated to providing thoughtful input. These submissions will be reviewed in determining the next steps in developing a regulation that is intended to improve the Government of Yukon’s ability to control ORV use to protect the Yukon landscape under the legislative framework of the Territorial Lands (Yukon) Act.

We hope this document will provide useful information to everyone who is interested in key issues that will need to be addressed to manage impacts to the land by off-road vehicles in Yukon.

Give your feedback on the engagement process

If you have questions, comments or concerns, please contact the Land Management Branch at or 867-667-5215.

How did we do at this public engagement? Tell us by completing a short questionnaire: 

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