11-102 Companion Policy, Passport System, Securities Act, Amendment Effective June 9, 2023.
52-112 Companion Policy, Non-GAAP and other Financial Measures Disclosure, Amendment Effective June 9, 2023.
This brochure highlights what the history of the park and its significance to the Inuvialuit, how to get there and what to do.
Information for fuel distributors on how to report volume adjustments on tax returns. This document was prepared by the Tax Administration branch, Department of Finance.
Information for fuel distributors on policy and penalties for late payment of tax. This document was prepared by the Tax Administration branch, Department of Finance.
Information for fuel distributors. How to apply for refund of previously remitted fuel tax for bad debt. This document was prepared by the Tax Administration branch, Department of Finance.
Information on fuel tax exemptions for fuel used in stationary generators. This document was prepared by the Tax Administration branch, Department of Finance.
Information on when point-of-sale fuel tax exemptions can be provided to customers at cardlocks. This document was prepared by the Tax Administration branch, Department of Finance.
Information on eligible commercial activities for fuel tax exemption permits. Permits are available for off-road commercial vehicles used in farming, fishing, hunting, outfitting, logging, mining, sawmills, tourism, trapping, golf courses and stationary generators. This document was prepared by the Tax Administration… more
Information for interprovincial carriers using bulk storage fuel. How to get a tax credit on fuel with quarterly returns and supporting documentation. This document was prepared by the Tax Administration branch, Department of Finance.
Information for Yukon fuel sellers on how to invoice fuel sales to tax exempt customers. This document was prepared by the Tax Administration branch, Department of Finance.
Information about fuel sales between fuel distributors. How to report and remit tax on bulk fuel transfers and “own use" purchases via cardlock. This document was prepared by the Tax Administration branch, Department of Finance.
This document lists priority action items for Yukon's MMIWG2S+ strategy. It's meant to guide work on the strategy’s most pressing tasks. It also includes clear deliverables to help track progress and ensure accountability.
This is a letter from the Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee to Yukon RCMP regarding the 2023–24 Policing Priorities.
The Yukon Employment report, June 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
The Building Permits report, May 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
A Values and Ethics Code promotes a workplace culture that supports each employee in this effort. It promotes a shared understanding of our expectations of one another as members of the Yukon government public service. This Code sets out standards that apply to all Yukon government employees. Individual departments… more
This guide gives advice to farmers on how to prepare for emergencies. It also outlines how you can plan to keep their property and livestock safe during emergencies. Find other ways to keep your livestock safe and healthy
The Labour Force Survey report, June 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
This report outlines the feedback received during the public engagement on the Forest Resources Act review.
This pay and salary grid applies to midwives employed by the Government of Yukon. Find all pay grids.
This pay and salary grid applies to nurses employed by the Government of Yukon. Find all pay grids.
The Yukon Retail Sales report, 2022, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
Use this form to request pre-approval for using a drone survey as assessment credit on your placer claim or lease. Find more information in the Placer renewals drone surveys for assessment credit interpretive bulletin.
This pay grid applies to most Government of Yukon employees unless they are included in one of the other occupational groups: Aboriginal language teachers, Deputy Ministers, managers and legal officers, education consultants, emergency fire personnel, job experience programs, language translators, principals and vice… more