AYC solid waste strategy
Government of Canada document on Solid waste management for northern and remote communities (2017)
A Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy. See page 61 for action items I12, I13, I14, related to waste management.
Ministerial Committee on solid waste report (2018)
The objective of this study is to provide an updated methodology for estimating the magnitude of peak flows across the Yukon to support the design and assessment of transportation infrastructure, water crossings, conveyance structures, and other water resource projects.
Use this form when delivering your poultry for slaughter at licensed abattoir facilities. This will allow you to sell the meat and other agriculture products.
The Population Report report, Q1 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
This document outlines the enforcement action for Yukon Run For Life, item #ylc-2023002.
This document outlines the enforcement action for Big Bear Donair, item #ylc-2023003.
Apply to be on a Government of Yukon board or committee. There is 1 application for all boards and committees.
The Yukon Fuel Price Survey report, July 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
Learn more about financial protection for subcontractors, who is eligible, and how the claim process works.
Information for tobacco wholesalers on how to complete the detailed sales report ledger, TT9 form under the Tobacco Tax Act. It lists reporting periods and how to complete data on retailers and tobacco products to remit tax returns. This document was prepared by the Government of Yukon, Department of Finance, Tax… more
A student's parent or legal guardian fills out this form to provide information so the National Student Loans Service Centre can assess the student's dependent status for a loan. Learn more about financial support for students.
The spouse or partner of a Yukon student fills out this form to provide personal information. This will help the National Student Loans Service assess the student's funding application. Learn more about financial support for students.
A parent or guardian uses this form to confirm the Yukon residency of their dependent applying for post-secondary funding.
Information on how to apply for a tobacco tax refund on lost, destroyed, stolen or contaminated tobacco products in Yukon.
Physicians use this form to report instances of rabies exposure to Environmental Health Services.
This report examines the feasibility of using hydrogen in the Yukon. It also outlines the different ways it can help reduce carbon emissions in the territory. Find more energy policies and reports
Read the full analysis for Standard & Poor's ratings for Yukon, July 25, 2023. The analysis includes: key rating factors; outlook; downside scenario; upside scenario; and rationale.