Information and colouring sheet for the Moosehide Slide/Ëdhä dädhëchą. The slide is one of the most iconic natural features of the Yukon. It's now a Municipal Historic Site. Art by Shane Van Bibber.
Information and colouring sheet for Harrington's store in Dawson City. The store was built in 1902. It's now a Municipal Historic Site. Art by Shane Van Bibber.
Take a self-guided walking tour of the historic buildings of Beaver Creek.
The Yukon Statistical Review report, 2022, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
The Payroll Employment, Earnings and Hours, and Job Vacancies report, June 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
Respiratory surveillance report for week ending August 26, 2023. Read all of the reports.
81-104 National Instrument Alternative Mutual Funds, Multilateral CSA Notice of Repeal, August 31, 2023.
The Department of Education values diversity in its school communities and wants to provide a safe welcoming, inclusive and affirming learning environment for all students. This policy outlines the purpose and principles, standards and procedures as well as supports and websites available.Read all of our policies.
The Yukon Housing Corporation Protocol Agreements clarify the roles and responsibilities of the Minister overseeing the Yukon Housing Corporation, the Chair of the Housing Corporation, Board of Directors, and the President of the Yukon Housing Corporation. This aims to ensure effective corporate governance.
The Yukon Fuel Price Survey report, August 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
If you want to change the development or use of your property, you may need to use this form to apply for a change to the local area plan, development area regulation or for a rezoning by Ministerial Order.
The Substance Use Health Emergency Strategy outlines the Yukon's approach to addressing the substance use health emergency.
The Retail Trade report, June 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
A summary of the findings from year 4 of the Sheep and Goat Control Order
The Yukon Monthly Statistical Review report, July 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
Use this form when delivering your livestock for slaughter at licensed abattoir facilities. This will allow you to sell the meat and other agriculture products.
This document lists the liquor licence warning letter for Porter Creek Billiards, item #23-04.
A list of societies that were sent letters on July 31, 2023 warning them that they are at risk of being dissolved if they do not fix their default.
Use the form to apply for washer, refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher and ventless dryer rebates.
Use this form to apply for a ZeroPath rebate if you: have built a new energy-efficient home; or are installing a heat pump in a new home.
Use this form to apply for a rebate to install a renewable energy system for your home.
The Government of Yukon Design Requirements and Technical Standards Manual provides standards, strategies and technical requirements for the planning, design and construction of new buildings, additions, renovations, major system upgrades and maintenance projects for the Government of Yukon.
View the Government of Yukon's propane system design, installation and operation standards.
The Employment Insurance report, June 2023, was prepared by Yukon Bureau of Statistics and is governed by the Statistics Act.
This document is the August 2023 wholesale liquor price list for products the Yukon Liquor Corporation carries.