Through government website surveys and the results of Citizen’s First studies conducted by the Institute for Citizen-Centred Services we know Yukoners have found it challenging to access information and services on the government website.
The main issue is we have too much information on the website. In an effort to be transparent and provide you with resources to complete tasks, we’ve put far too much information online. You are coming to the government site to do specific things: this is where we want to focus our resources. We want you to have a positive experience on our website so we’ve taken your feedback and we are working to improve your online experience.
We’ve started to take stock of what we have online by running audits of our website to identify outdated content, duplicate information and pages you aren’t interested in at all. We’ve deleted hundreds of redundant, outdated pages from the site so your searches show more focused results. This is a step toward getting you to the information you need, when you need it.
Now we are taking this work a step further. We are building a new website that is focused on our users. It will be launched in 2018 and the content will be prioritized based on our research. The most important information will be migrated to the new website first, and all of our information will be rewritten so it is easier to find and understand.
Contact yg.digital@gov.yk.ca for more information.
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