This post is older than 6 months.
By sdbergqu
June 13, 2017

This is a list of some of the things we’re working on this month and what we plan to do next.
Digital services
- Prepare for the upcoming public beta launch of Find a government employee service.
- Prepare for the upcoming public beta launch of Report a big game harvest service.
- Prepare for the upcoming public beta launch of Government of Yukon Digital standard website.
- Translate existing English services into French.
- Make enhancements to Renew a vehicle registration service.
- Make enhancements to Pay a government invoice and ATIPP request for access to records services.
- Consult with Department of Finance on the development and launch of a new citizen engagement service.
- Develop a citizen engagement website (EngageYukon).
- Assist Department of Environment to take the Apply for a permit hunt authorization service offline (as the application period only runs for a month). website
- Develop a statement of work to design and build out as a functional website.
- Prepare for development of enhancements and usability improvements to the Government of Yukon version of Drupal.
- Add more content and make improvements to the Digital Standard website.
- Enhance user account standards for Drupal accounts on
- Further tighten up security controls of the eServices Platform that will run the Drupal-based website.
- Optimize the technical infrastructure of the eServices Platform so it's faster, simpler and more robust.
Things we plan to do next
In July, we expect to:
- Prepare for the development of a standard user interface toolkit for external developers to utilize in their work.
- Continue to operate and evaluate Piwik.
- Conduct more user testing of services both in private and public beta modes.
- Develop a user training plan and supporting documentation for how to use Drupal's content management features.
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