- In apprenticeship, you learn skills while you earn money.
- About 80% of the training takes place on the job.
- At work, you learn the skills of the trade with the help of a qualified tradesperson.
- The rest of the training takes place at a college or other technical institute.
- In-class training ranges from 8 to 12 weeks per year.
- When you finish your apprenticeship, you become a certified journeyperson.
To be eligible for apprentice training you must:
- be at least 16 years old;
- have a Yukon employer with a certified journeyperson who has agreed to sponsor your apprenticeship in the trade you choose; and
- be a Yukon resident:
- file as a Yukon citizen with Canada Revenue Agency.
Cost to register as an apprentice
To apply to become an apprentice, there is a $10 non-refundable application fee.
Time to complete an apprenticeship
The timing for an apprenticeship depends on:
- the requirements of the trade you study ‒ each trade has a different set of required hours for each level;
- the amount of experience you already have in that trade when you start:
- it will take 2 to 4 years to finish your on-the-job and classroom training;
- this may be shorter if you already have job experience when you begin your apprenticeship; and
- completing a pre-apprenticeship program can shorten your apprenticeship.
What is a pre-apprenticeship program?
A pre-apprenticeship program is several months of college training that:
- gives you a strong theoretical and hands-on background in a particular trade;
- can help you choose a trade; and
- can help you get employment for your apprenticeship.
Upon successful completion, you may have the opportunity to write your Level 1 exam.
You have to pay for your pre-apprenticeship program. Student funding may be available through:
What are my wages while working as an apprentice?
Apprentices earn from 60% to 95% of a newly certified journeyperson wage, as set by the employer. The regulations determine the rate of increase as a percentage for each year of the apprenticeship. The wage rates are different in each trade.
The wage goes up as you move from 1 level of training to the next.
The provinces and territories regulate wage rates for apprentices. The rates in the province or territory where the work is being done are the rates that apply.
Getting started in an apprenticeship program
To start an apprenticeship program, you have to have a job with an employer who is willing to:
- sign off on your hours;
- have a certified journeyperson on staff to train you in your trade;
- pay you the scheduled wage during your apprenticeship;
- let you go to school full time for the in-school training period required every year; and
- let you come back to your job over the 2- to 4-year period until you're a certified journeyperson.
How are Yukon apprentices evaluated to move through their levels?
If you attend training in Yukon or Alberta
Yukon has introduced an interim process for evaluating apprentices who attend training in Yukon or Alberta. The assessment considers:
- technical in-class training grades;
- level exam marks;
- employment hours; and
- the employer’s evaluation.
The interim change takes in to account that many of the level exams we use need updates and include some outdated questions. This impacts students' results and ability to advance to the next level.
We will reassess the interim evaluation process in 2026.
What's different under the interim evaluation process?
If you do not achieve 70% on a level exam (previously required to advance), but score between 60-69%, we'll complete further evaluation. We'll consider the following when deciding if you can move on to the next level:
- level exam mark;
- technical in-classroom training (school) grades; and
- whether your employer recommends you pass the level
- this may involve a conversation with Yukon Apprenticeship, the employer, and you. This is appropriate as 80% of an apprentice’s learning is on-the-job.
The Director of Training Programs will make the final decision based on the above factors, with the employer's recommendation having significant bearing.
View a summary of the interim process.
Can I ask for a re-assessment?
Yukon Apprenticeship will apply this new approach back to January 1, 2022, to retroactively re-evaluate apprentices that were not able to move on to their next level.
If you did not pass an exam after January 1, 2022, and would like a re-evaluation, contact Yukon Apprenticeship staff at apprenticeship@yukon.ca.
If you attend technical training in a jurisdiction other than the Yukon or Alberta
- you'll be evaluated using the process that is used by the jurisdiction you attend technical training in.
What if you already work in a trade?
We encourage you to contact our office as soon as you start working in a designated trade in Yukon. The hours you work may count toward your required hours for certification. This simple step can save you time and give you wage increases. You must be a registered apprentice to guarantee that your work experience hours will count.
You can start your formal apprenticeship program at any point if you've been working in a trade:
- that's recognized (designated) in Yukon; and
- working with a certified journeyperson.
You may be able to challenge the apprenticeship level 1 exam in your trade. This depends on:
- your previous experience and training; and
- the requirements of the occupation.
If you already have 6 or more years of on-the-job experience
You may be able to challenge the certification exams depending on:
- your previous experience and training; and
- the requirements of the occupation.
Find out more about challenging the certification.
Where can you get apprenticeship training?
You have to be a registered Yukon apprentice to attend in-school training. Registration and scheduling for all training are done through our office.
- at Yukon University;
- in Alberta, we have an apprenticeship training agreement with them; or
- in other provinces (in-school) but your employer and residency must be Yukon-based.
- Fill out the Apprenticeship application and agreement form.
- Have your employer complete the employer section of your form.
- We may consider previous work experience to go toward your apprenticeship requirements.
- 299 hours or fewer goes right on your application form. Your current employer must approve your hours.
- If you have 300 hours or more, fill out a Trade Experience Verification form for each employer. Email apprenticeship@yukon.ca or phone 867-667-5298, toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5298.
- We may consider previous work experience to go toward your apprenticeship requirements.
- Pay a non-refundable application fee of $10. We accept cash, cheque, debit or credit card. We’ll process your payment at the front desk at the Department of Education building.
- Submit your application.
In person: Education Building (entrance to parking on Hospital Road), 1000 Lewes Boulevard in Whitehorse. We’re open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Email: apprenticeship@yukon.ca
Government of Yukon
Apprenticeship (E-13)
Box 2703,
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
When will you find out about your apprenticeship application?
We’ll contact you within 2 weeks for more information if your application:
- is incomplete; or
- you do not meet the requirements.
It takes 4 to 6 weeks to process a complete and approved application.
We’ll call and email you to come pick up your formal agreement and record book used for tracking work and in-school training hours. You must complete an orientation prior to receiving your record book and wallet card. An Industrial Training Consultant will provide you with your orientation at the Department of Education building, and you can receive your record book and wallet card right after.
Your orientation will take approximately 15 minutes, and you can schedule an appointment by email at apprenticeship@yukon.ca or by phone at 867-667-5298.
We will mail your employer a copy of your:
- apprenticeship agreement;
- schedule of training;
- record book; and
- wallet card.
Your apprenticeship can start as soon as you're approved. You can count any hours you work for your employer toward your apprenticeship.
- To obtain an enrollment form, email your Training Support Officer at tso.apprenticeship@yukon.ca.
- Your training support officer will guide you to your in-school technical training options.
- Please ensure that you have your employer's approval and signature.
- Submit your completed form.
In person: Education Building (entrance to parking on Hospital Road), 1000 Lewes Boulevard in Whitehorse. We’re open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Email: apprenticeship@yukon.ca
Government of Yukon
Apprenticeship (E-13)
Box 2703,
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6
Our office will review and complete the in-school registration process for you.
- You’ll be registered in the school appropriate for your training with the options you provided. We’ll make every effort to accommodate your 1st option.
- You’ll receive a Training Kit from our office 6 weeks before class starts with information about:
- funding for in-school training;
- what to expect; and
- where to go.
While working with an employer
During your apprenticeship you will be paid a wage by your employer. Apprentices earn from 60% to 95% of a newly certified journeyperson wage, as set by the employer. The regulations determine the rate of increase as a percentage for each year of the apprenticeship.
While you're in school
As a Yukon registered apprentice, your tuition costs of your training are paid for. Apprentices may be supported financially throughout the school portion of their apprenticeship for a variety of expenses.
This includes:
- travel;
- commuting;
- daycare costs; and
- living allowance may be covered through the Working Up program.
How can you apply?
Apprentices receive a funding application from our office 6 weeks before the start of the schooling portion of their program.
Other supports available
The Department of Education is here to help you be successful throughout your apprenticeship. The following supports and more are available to any apprentices that need:
- tutoring or learning assistance;
- support for learning disabilities; and
- psycho-educational assessment;
Additional supports
- Apprenticeship Completion Grant (available until March 31, 2025)
- Apprenticeship Incentive Grant (available until March 31, 2025)
- Canada Apprentice Loan
- Government of Canada
- Yukon Women in Trades and Technology (YWITT)
Please contact the Yukon Apprenticeship Office located at the Department of Education, email apprenticeship@yukon.ca or phone 867-667-5298 or toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5298 for more information and see how we can best support you.